Intro Blog Final Task
Hey, Kensters! It's me Kenisha, and I am getting ready to start my final task. I am 16, born on June 6th, 2007, and attending Fort Lauderdale High School. This year I am in the 11th grade, which also marks the 2nd year I have been a part of FLHS's dance team, Blue Royals. Being a part of the Blue Royals dance team has taught me a lot, such as improving my dance skills, building up stamina, and a boost of confidence. This has led to me trying out again this year, I enjoy dancing but the environment of being on the Blue Royals dance team is so comforting and fun I just had to do it again. Plus, being a part of this team would look great on my resume which can help further the dreams I have for the future. After high school, I plan on attending college. Currently, I am aiming toward FIU Law to pursue my career as a crime scene investigator preferably in the city of Miami, Florida since they have high levels of crime which can benefit me financially. I am 1 out of 5 siblings and being the oldest one in the household is not easy, I do so much for my siblings they basically view me as their second mom. I also LOVE to sleep, sleeping to me is like an escape from reality alongside with all my other hobbies. Such as braiding hair, painting walls, cooking, driving, building, and challenging myself with a wide variety of math problems. Oh! Also, I recently became a pet owner to my cat Oreo. Oreo is a male cat with black and white fur which is also the same color as my favorite snack "Oreos" and that is how Oreo got his name. He is still very young so he always has lots of energy, it can get out of hand which leads to him biting me. It was annoying at first but now the bites have become bearable and I think of them as "Love bites" so it does not bother me. A fun fact about me is that my favorite color is blue and I am terrified of the dark. Being in 11th grade people would assume you grow out of younger habits...FALSE. I've been afraid of the dark all my life. I prefer to sleep with the lights on and sound in the background it is the setting I feel the most comfortable in which is all that matters. Both my parents are Haitian but I was born and raised in America which makes me a Haitian-American. My parents really tried to make me aware of my culture such as teaching me the language spoken and traditional things done. I am now fluent in Haitian Creole and English which I owe my parents a big thank you to along with many other things, I would not be who I am today without them. Well, that is all about me and I'll catch you later Kensters. I can't wait to start this final task process and take you guys along the way, bye!
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